April 27, 2016
by The Buddy Group

Stories Inspired by the Internet of Things

Ever since the advent of the Internet, it’s as if everything in the world is interconnected—people to people; people to technology; technology to objects; the list goes on. As a result of this interconnectedness, businesses have been able to access information that would have seemed unfathomable 20, 15 or even 10 years ago. Nowadays one aspect that is completely transforming businesses in new interconnected ways is the Internet of Things (IoT).


IoT has allowed companies to become more efficient, more knowledgeable, and ultimately more effective by “offering real solutions for real problems—not just proof points.” IoT also has no intention of slowing down either as the market is looking to hit a CAGR of 33.3% to 2021.

And one of the leading pioneers in IoT is our client partner Dell. In fact, Dell has recently launched an IoT Solutions Partner Program. Through this program Dell is able to build “an ecosystem of partners to help customers navigate the fragmented IoT landscape and identify the right technologies to develop their IoT solutions.

One such industry that this program has helped transform is none other than NASCAR, and specifically Richard Childress Racing. Through their partnership, Richard Childress Racing has in essence gained a competitive advantage with the sheer amount of aggregate data available to them. In real-time, they can learn how the car is interacting with the track or even how their pit equipment is performing. This in turn allows the team to quickly adjust and optimize their game plan as a way to help them take the checkered flag.

That’s why when Dell approached The Buddy Group about capturing their IoT story, we became excited. We knew how transformative IoT truly is—for businesses, for industries and for the world at large. And we also knew that our expertise in capturing and telling original stories would make us the perfect partner for such a project.

As a result,  we created a documentary-esque video (as seen below) showcasing the stories of three of Dell’s IoT customers . But rather than go the traditional full-motion video route, we did what we do best—we took a different path. Our unique spin was to utilize black and white still images and customer  VO to sell through the story. Doing so gave the video a sense of intimacy and earnestness. And when trying to tell an important story very few things are as important as being authentic and earnest.

We are proud of the work. And we are proud to be a partner with Dell through their IoT endeavors.

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