April 21, 2017
by The Buddy Group

Building Lasting Connections

“We had tried to put Band-Aids on it in the past to save money, but we realized we needed to do it right,” said Jay Rogers, Ladera Ranch Community Services board president.


For the Ladera Ranch Community Services board, “do it right” meant partnering with an agency that has the expertise in strategy, UI/UX, website design, and development. That’s where we came in. When The Buddy Group team first met with Ladera Ranch, we knew it was a great fit. We started off on the right foot by engaging the residents to share their thoughts on the current state of the site but most importantly to understand the desired features as they are the primary user. From the beginning we knew we wanted to make the site a personalized experience that would sync with the resident’s smart phones but with the additional features, we didn’t want to assume anything. We conducted interviews with key residents and deployed a community wide survey to collect the feedback.

“In order to create something that lasts, it needs to continue to evolve…That’s what we’re trying to create here.” — Pete Deutschman, The Buddy Group CEO


What came back in the research was loud and clear. Residents wanted a trusted place to interact with their community, that was easy to navigate and was just as warm and friendly as living in Ladera Ranch. We rebuilt LaderaLife.com in a way that is informational for non-residents but keeps the community happenings and resident interaction behind a password protected portal. Residents can feel free to engage in a safe online environment. Upon signing in, residents land on their own personalized profile making their visit a more relevant experience. Residents are now able to easily access information about events, book amenities, locate parks and pools, sign up for and create their own clubs and much more. We are excited to have launched this new, neighborly, website experience and look forward to optimizing based off of real user interaction.

Enough of us talking, now go visit the site; LaderaLife.com!

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