August 2, 2023
by The Buddy Group

Celebrating 18 Years of Success!

Hey there, Buddies! 

We’re celebrating 18 years of Storydriven innovation, creativity and collaboration with Buddies like you!!!  As we reflect on our own story of evolution, resilience, and customer experience innovation, we recognize that a wealth of our wisdom was gained through shared mindsets and experiences. To celebrate these 18 years, we spent the month collecting success stories and advice from our “Buddies” – colleagues, clients, and partners, and we’re sharing 18 (see what we did there?) that stood out to us. Here they are in no particular order: 

  1. Be The Exception: Whatever is uniquely you, own it. Do it well…really well.
  2. Buddy Up: Surround yourself with talented individuals who care about your vision and complement your skills.
  3. Embrace Change: Change either happens to you, or because of you. Be adaptable. The business landscape is dynamic, and your ability to evolve with it is crucial.
  4. Customer Empathy is not owned by one person: Prioritize understanding your customer, and communicate it across the organization to relate and authentically see them in your story.
  5. The Balance of Confidence and Humility: Strike a balance between confidence and humility by listening more. It is one thing to know how to do something and another thing entirely to be known as a listener who knows how to find a solution.
  6. Celebrate: Take time to honor achievements, milestones, and successes. Recognize the hard work of your team and foster a work environment where hard work and outcomes are recognized.
  7. Scar tissue can be just as strong as muscle. Embrace Failure. See failure as a learning opportunity and use those lessons to improve and grow. 
  8. Creativity with a Conscience: Consider the impact your business has on society and the environment. Embrace sustainable thinking, programs and accept responsibility for the community we work in.
  9. Trust Your Team: Micromanagement never works long-term. Sure, it might be needed to get a deliverable out the door but trust is the best way to guarantee long-term success. Remember, it is earned through managing exceptions and expectations.
  10. Develop Strong Partnerships: Collaborate with other businesses, suppliers, and industry peers to ensure all ships rise. Creating win-win is always better than winning.
  11. Stay Ethical and Transparent: Build relationships by conducting your business with integrity and transparency. Be consistent in delivering the message straight.
  12. Emotional Intelligence: Value someone’s strong emotional intelligence. EQ will help you navigate relationships in tough times better than all else.
  13. Self-Awareness of “Me” Time: Prioritize self and creative exploration. Nothing better than a hike or self-expression to unlock what holds you back. It’s not about 8’s about successful outcomes.
  14. Technology for Technology’s Sake: Leverage technology to identify opportunities, create innovative solutions, and reach your target audience more effectively. Just because you can do something with technology doesn’t mean you should. 
  15. There is no such thing as a “Guru”. But if you are going to be a Guru- be a Guru at asking great questions. Continuously Learn. Stay curious about the world, industry trends, and emerging technologies. Invest in your learning through various channels and asking outstanding questions.
  16. Invest in your own brand: Establish a strong personal brand to differentiate yourself and attract the right buddies around you. Your brand should be authentically you- not someone you “want” to be. 
  17. Prioritize Health: Take care of yourself and encourage a healthy work-life balance. Walking for 30 minutes a day with a co-worker or while on calls can be great for all aspects of your business and personal health.
  18. Storydriven Businesses require an adventure mentality: Building a successful business takes time and perseverance. Stay focused on your long-term goals. Be patient and enjoy the journey. Don’t measure the end result, rather measure the things that matter most to your adventure. 

We invite you to incorporate this collected wisdom into your Storydriven business adventure. May these insights guide you in your pursuit of excellence, inspire you to embrace new opportunities, and empower you to create a positive impact on your team, customers, and community. As The Buddy Group heads into the next year, we thank you for being a part of our story. Here’s to the next chapter of growth, learning, and shared success!

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