July 17, 2015
by The Buddy Group

From Sketch to Screen: The Avatar Creative Process

If the art of advertising is all about intrigue and memorability, The Buddy Group’s website hits on all the marks due in large part to the cast of characters you will find on the team page.

Where most creative companies will take this opportunity to display their attractive staff members or show how hip they are with various photo booth props, we dare to be different. We knew there was a better way to showcase our talents and personalities (even though we are always model ready).

Enter Jackie, our in house illustrator/animator/designer extraordinaire. Jackie’s background in motion graphics and current role as Senior illustrator made her the clear choice to take on the challenge of creatively capturing each individual’s essence.

The Buddy Group

The process starts with a series of questions not typically discussed with co-workers at the water cooler or in the moments right before a status meeting. A question like, “do you consider yourself more of a hero or a villain?” is standard and “what is your favorite film genre?” isn’t uncommon either. After the initial meeting, Jackie jumps right into rough sketches and character ideation. During this process she draws inspiration from any idiosyncrasies that stood out during the discussion. Avatar easter eggs range from family heritage all the way to a favorite piece of jewelry.

The Buddy Group

The result is nothing short of mind-blowing. Final approval is given to the perspective Buddy and revealed on our site soon after.

Scroll through all the avatars to see if you can find all the hidden gems that make up the talented team here at The Buddy Group.

Want more? A series behind the scenes look can be found on Behance.


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