Case studies/Bain Capital

Bain Capital

Committed to lasting impact

Bain Capital manages more than $140 billion of investor capital across a range of industries worldwide. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic stalling investor meetings across the globe, Bain’s impressive strategic growth story couldn’t be slowed nor delayed so they partnered with The Buddy Group to communicate the ongoing strength of their portfolio of funds.



Video content and production, scripting, motion graphic presentation, virtual event production, livestream administration


Bain Capital connected with The Buddy Group to execute a comprehensive Storydriven virtual event highlighting Bain Capital’s bountiful and meaningful portfolio of investments and success stories associated with each of those local connections, as well as how Bain’s investment impact is realized on a global level.


The resulting virtual Investor Day demonstrated Bain Capital’s differentiation from other private equity firms by reinforcing their capabilities and territories of value. The concept of the power of partnership to elevate shareholder value connected with the audience and helped drive confidence among investors.