Case studies/Bandwidth


Investor Day 2023

Bandwidth, a universal communications platform that simplifies how businesses deliver global experiences with customers like Google, Microsoft, and Zoom, had a need for an investor day to highlight new management, as well as new brand positioning and messaging.




Virtual Event Production

Video content and production including filming and production of a live Q&A, leadership videos, scripting, virtual event production, livestream administration, set design and production, and landing page design.

Authenticity & Relatability

The Buddy Group, in partnership with Bandwidth, set out to produce a virtual Investor Day that brought the brand to life, and introduced their new leadership through cohesive design and production, for a full Storydriven experience.

Success Story

With our guidance, management, design, and storytelling, Bandwidth was able to execute a seamless virtual investor day focused on their new leadership and future growth.