Case studies/Xperi | Adeia

Xperi | Adeia

Investor Day 2022

Xperi, an entertainment technology & intellectual property company whose brands include well known names like Tivo and DTS, had a need for an investor day to announce a spin into two separate entities: a product company (Xperi) and an IP licensing company (Adeia).




Virtual Event Production

Video content and production including a sizzle reel, leadership videos, vignettes, scripting, motion graphic presentation, virtual event production, livestream administration.

Authenticity & Relatability

The Buddy Group, in partnership with the Xperi and Adeia Leadership and Investor Relations teams, set out to produce a virtual Investor Day experience that felt cohesive while showcasing each brand’s unique characteristics, as well as their plans and outlook post spin.

Success Story

The Buddy Group delivered a highly-produced and engaging virtual Investor Day experience that successfully communicated to investors the reason behind the split. Utilizing a Storydriven approach to the scripts and presentation materials, The Buddy Group conveyed Xperi’s history of innovation and long-term, profitable growth as well as Adeia’s position as a global company offering distinct IP services. This resulted in a successful spin that catalyzed shareholder value by demonstrating to investors the advantages in becoming two focused companies.

The Buddy Group partnered with Arbor Advisory Group to help shape the investor narrative and maintain quality relationships with investors.